Dienstag, 10. Juli 2012

"If you Google the word cult, you may find yourself in an Alice-in-Wonderland world where nothing is as it seems to be. Here's one example: for many years, the non-profit Cult Awareness Network (CAN) was a grass-root organization providing information and support to people with loved ones in cults. In 1996, the CAN name, logo and phone number were purchased by a member of the Church of Scientology in federal bankruptcy court. CAN's confidential files were turned over to Scientology. So if you contact this so-called "anti-cult" organization, you'll reach someone from one of the largest and most organized international cults."

Steven Hassan
Freedom of Mind:
Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults, and Beliefs
Freedom of Mind Press (14. Juni 2012)
Amazon: Blick ins Buch

Website von Steve Hassan: Freedom of Mind
Ein weiterer Titel:
Die Fesseln lösen - Manipulation erkennen und sich befreien


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