Dienstag, 15. Januar 2013


via Twitter 'Demand Progress'
Team - Demand Progress

"Aaron was a dear friend, and an ideological brother in arms. As others have spoken to at great length, he was indeed a passionate advocate for access to information and for a free and open Internet. He believed in these things for their own sakes, but moreover as means towards the even deeper end of building a world defined by social and economic justice. He resisted the impulse to presume that he alone was responsible for his brilliance or should benefit therefrom, and he wasn’t a techno-utopian: He was a communitarian, somebody who was deeply aware of our world’s injustices and who understood the constant struggle that is necessary to even begin to remedy them. That’s why this organization exists."

Quinn Said: "When he was 20, he carried me through my divorce. We promised each other a year. I apologized so many times: that I was better than what he was getting, that he got me destroyed. Still, what a year. Later, I tried to take care of him while he was being destroyed, from inside and out. I struggled so hard, but not as hard as he did. I told him, time and again, that this was his 20s. It would be better in his 30s. Just wait. Please, just hold on."

Fighting Back Against the “Intellectual Property” Racket
Published January 17, 2013. | By Anthony Cartalucci

"We are all Aaron Swartz – to reclaim the battle cry abused so flagrantly by the West’s faux-democratic “awakening” in the Arab World and beyond.
And we must all become active opponents of this agenda to usurp our ability to determine our own destiny. Aaron Swartz was an exceptional proponent of Internet freedom and openness – but by all of us joining the ranks of this cause, we exponentially complicate the system’s ability to target and destroy any one of us. If your cause is just, and your means constructive and pragmatic, there isn’t just “safety” in numbers, there is invincibility."


Aaron Swartz Memorial Ice Cream Social Hour
by Jeanne Rasata— Published on Jan 15, 2013 01:25 PM
Cambridge, MA - MIT Media Lab, Building E14, 75 Amherst Street

Jan 18, 2013
from 05:30 PM to 07:00 PM
Cambridge, MA

Ice cream generously provided with the help of the Free Software Foundation. (This takes place at the same time as the MIT Mystery Hunt. Though it is unaffiliated, it is hosted by Aaron's Mystery Hunt team.)


Internet Archive Blogs

There will be a memorial for Aaron Swartz at the Internet Archive.
All are welcome.

Date: January 24, 2013
Time: 7pm reception – 8pm memorial
Location: Internet Archive, 300 Funston Avenue, San Francisco 94118



Alex Stamos - The Truth about Aaron Swartz’s “Crime”

"Ten simple ways to share PDFs of your papers"
Blog "The Tree of Life"

"pdftribute: Wenn das Dateiformat der Absicht widerspricht"

P.S. Good luck with the "vaginas" (Page No. ?) and your daily dosis education! See you on carnevale with the local police-fantasycostume and the lost japanese knife. All included. Greetings from the world wanderers.

How to make your own work open access
This page is part of the Harvard Open Access Project (HOAP)

"Harvard University says it can't afford journal publishers' prices -
University wants scientists to make their research open access and resign from publications that keep articles behind paywalls"

This is an institutional repository that makes publicly available the working papers, published articles, and other materials produced by the faculty, staff, and students at Stanford University Graduate School of Education.

"To Make Open Access Work, We Need to Do More Than Liberate Journal Articles"

Via Twitter:

Im Gedenken an Aaron Swartz posten Wissenschaftler und Studierende freie Texte im Netz. Hashtag #pdftribute.

Via Al Jazeera:

"Many professors and researchers posted links to their own academic work on Twitter. A full list can be found at pdftribute.net"

Hashtag #pdftribute is remembering Aaron Swartz in a way he'd have loved - by tweeting links to academic papers free of charge

"All content found here was scraped from twitter and is made free in honour of Aaron Swartz."

"Aaron Swartz und die Befreiung des Wissens":
"Und neben zahlreichen Artikeln, Blog-Postings und Petitionen ist die wohl signifikanteste Aktion ein Aufruf an alle Akademiker, ihre Artikel mittels Twitter-Hashtag #pdftribute zum freien Download ins Netz zu stellen, so dass diese gesammelt unter http://pdftribute.net/ erscheinen.
Trotz des traurigen Anlasses könnte daraus so etwas wie ein Anfangsereignis einer neuen Entwicklung werden, mit der die akademische Forschung aus der Umklammerung der Verlage befreit wird."

"Als ich den Wikipedia-Artikel zu Aaron Swartz angelegt habe, dachte ich eigentlich, dass da noch sehr viele Abschnitte zu seinem Wirken und Schaffen ergänzt würden. Kürzlich wurde er erhängt aufgefunden.
Es gibt zahlreiche Nachrufe, zum Beispiel von Cory Doctorov oder Lawrence Lessig. Aber auch den Aufruf, Aaron Swartz Tribut zu zollen, indem man seine wissenschaftlichen Publikationen befreit und die Links unter dem Hashtag #pdftribute twittert. 
"Wer Aaron Swartz bislang nicht kannte und den Zusammenhang nicht versteht, dem sei das Guerilla Open Access Manifesto zur Lektüre empfohlen. Findige Menschen haben zu den geposteten Links eine Linkliste und eine Suchmaschine erstellt."

"Die Nachricht vom Tod des Internet-Aktivisten Aaron Swartz hat am Wochenende weite Kreise gezogen. Cory Doctorow, Tim Berners-Lee, Lawrence Lessig, Danah Boyd, Brewster Kahle und viele andere trauern um Swartz, haben Nachrufe verfasst und Erinnerungen zusammengetragen. Der 26-jährige Swartz war Mitentwickler des RSS-Feeds, Mitgründer von Reddit, Entwickler für Creative Commons, Verfasser des Guerilla Open Access Manifesto, Aktivist gegen das SOPA-Gesetz, – die Liste könnte weiter gehen. Und er litt an Depressionen, worüber er in seinem Blog schrieb. In einem im Frühjahr anstehenden Prozess drohte ihm eine Haftstrafe von theoretisch bis zu 35 Jahren, weil er sich unerlaubt Zugang zum Netzwerk des Massachusetts Institute of Technology verschafft haben soll, um Millionen wissenschaftlicher Artikel aus dem JSTOR-Archiv zu laden."

"The family of Aaron Swartz pulled no punches in their comments after the 26-year-old's suicide, blaming a "criminal justice system rife with intimidation and prosecutorial overreach." Assistant United States Attorney Stephen Heymann is one of the individuals that's been named in particular — and it turns out Swartz isn't the first subject of a Heymann investigation that's taken his own life. Buzzfeed reports that in 2008 Jonathan James also committed suicide two weeks after having his home raided as part of Heymann's TJX hacker investigation ...

In an interview with the Huffington Post, Swartz's attorney Elliot Peters accuses Heymann of pursuing federal charges against his client in order to drum up publicity. The prosecutor was in search of "some juicy looking computer crime cases and Aaron's case, sadly for Aaron, fit the bill," Peters said, remarking that Heymann thought he "was going to receive press and he was going to be a tough guy and read his name in the newspaper ...
Peters, Swartz’s lawyer, told HuffPost that Heymann had harassed several of the activist’s friends into testifying before a grand jury. Peters said federal prosecutors deserved some blame for his death, echoing comments from Swartz's family.

Aaron Swartz: husband of prosecutor criticises internet activist's family -
IBM executive married to district attorney tweets anger after family suggests overzealous prosecution contributed to his death


Alle Tweets



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