Freitag, 21. Januar 2011


"Just a few years ago, President Obama refused to shop at Wal-Mart. But his wife now has other ideas."
The announcement amounted to a very public display of affection for a company that had long been a thorn in the side of Democrats. Five years ago, Wal-Mart was in the midst of a bruising battle with labor groups that accused it of paying low wages and providing stingy health benefits. Then-Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton returned a campaign contribution from the company, citing "serious differences." Michelle Obama resigned from the board of a Wal-Mart supplier during her husband's campaign.
And Obama himself told supporters at an AFL-CIO forum in 2007 that he would not shop at Wal-Mart."

"Die Kette verspricht, bis 2015 den Zucker- und Salzgehalt in Fertigprodukten deutlich zu senken und bestimmte schädliche Fette komplett zu verbannen. Obst und Gemüse sollen billiger werden. «Keine Familie soll mehr auf gesundes Essen verzichten müssen, weil es zu teuer ist», sagte Simon. Sogenannte «Food Deserts» - Gebiete in den USA, wo fast gar keine Frischware zu bekommen ist - sollen verschwinden."

'"Wal-Mart says it will cut into its own profits but hopes to make up for it in sales volume. “This is not about asking the farmers to accept less for their crops,” he said.'


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