'This award is for first time female film-makers who would like to create erotic films that dare to question porn clichés and show sex in innovative and creative ways.
Did you know that only 6% of directors in Hollywood are female? This percentage is even smaller in the adult industry. 95% of erotic films are still shot by men for men. But women are voyeurs too and more and more women want to enjoy erotic films that show a female perspective. But as traditionally women in the film industry work in front and not behind the camera, it is difficult for new female directors to get started. The big questions are: How can she finance her film, where can she show it, how can she publish it?
Petra Joy is a veteran of female-focused porn and has always promoted female sexual liberation and self expression in her erotic films, books and workshops for women.
She created this award because:
“I would like to inspire first time female film-makers to take control, get behind the camera and show erotica – from a female perspective. With the support of pjur I would like to help talented film-makers to finance and publish their future films. My wish is that this award will help to make more female fantasies visible and more female erotic film-makers seen and heard!”'
via MsNaughty Porn for Women