"A recent post on The Fractal Nature of the Gender Binary incites thought on a problem of occultism – namely, the practice of codifying everything in the universe in a dualistic (and hierarchical) way and then gendering that hierarchy and duality. This is the case in Qabala, in Thelema, in the Rosicrucian/Golden Dawn style practices: and has successfully infiltrated Wicca and other modern paganisms. The white light of creation at the top of the tree, although above the dualistic split of Chokmah-Binah, is perceived as masculine in contrast to the “final fruit” of “his” effort, the completely passive “princess” of Malkuth, the fertile earth waiting to be plowed. The first split results in first a masculine sphere, Chokmah, wisdom, who is the reflection of the utmost divine and the very principle of will and energy, and then Binah, the silent mother who understands all and who stands atop the pillar of harsh negativity and darkness. In Thelema, while we see a lot of surface lip service to the idea of female equality, there are deeply encoded gender divisions; the officially conducted gnostic mass will not allow for any change in the genders of the participants from what is originally written, with the woman-priestess having an obvious lesser, passive, role. Any attempt to discuss the sexism of Thelema or of Crowley himself, although evidence abounds and is easily found, is met with extreme resistance and hostility by many Thelemites." (Amananta via Medusa Coils)